
Navigating mental health support can be a challenging journey, especially for individuals with disabilities. At Living Dreams Disability Services, we understand the unique needs of this community and strive to provide tailored mental health solutions. In this blog post, we'll address some common questions surrounding psychologists specialising in disability support in Brisbane & Melbourne. Our mission is to increase accessibility to mental health services for individuals with disabilities and promote their overall well-being.

  1. How much do psychologists specialising in disability support cost in Brisbane & Melbourne?

For individuals with disabilities, finding the right mental health support is essential, but concerns about costs can often arise. The fees for psychologists specializing in disability support in Brisbane can vary based on factors such as their expertise, experience, and the nature of the services provided.

At Living Dreams Disability Services, we are committed to enhancing accessibility, and our network includes psychologists who offer flexible treatment options and approaches hourly rate begins at $214.41, we also accept health care & medicare through mental health plans to reduce costs.

2. Do you need a referral to see a psychologist specialising in disability support in Brisbane & Melbourne?

Just like with traditional psychologists, individuals with disabilities seeking mental health support in Brisbane and Melbourne generally do not require a referral to see a psychologist specialising in disability support. We believe in empowering individuals to make their own choices when it comes to their mental health.

However, for those who have a mental health care plan from their GP, we can assist in connecting them with psychologists who accept Medicare rebates. This can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses, making quality mental health support more accessible to everyone.

3. What is the difference between a therapist and a psychologist specializing in disability support?

While the terms "therapist" and "psychologist" are often used interchangeably, the distinction remains important, especially when considering support for individuals with disabilities.

Psychologist specialising in disability support:

  • These professionals hold doctoral degrees in psychology, such as a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)

  • They possess expertise in diagnosing and treating mental health concerns in individuals with disabilities.

  • Psychologists specialising in disability support can provide personalised strategies to address unique challenges and foster overall well-being.

Therapist specialising in disability support:

  • Therapists encompass a broader range of professionals, including psychologists, licensed counselors, social workers, and marriage and family therapists.

  • Those who specialise in disability support have received specialised training to address the unique needs of individuals with disabilities.

  • They offer counseling and support services, empowering individuals to navigate various aspects of their lives.

At Living Dreams Disability Services, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to prioritise their mental health and well-being. By connecting them with psychologists specialising in disability support, we ensure that each person's unique needs are met with understanding and expertise. Mental health support should be accessible to all, and our commitment is to make that a reality for individuals with disabilities in Brisbane and Melbourne. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life – contact us today to explore your options for mental health support.


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